I have been using Capture (The Org Manual), GitHub -rexim/org-cliplink: Insert org-mode links from clipboard and Org-roam to archive interesting links on the web and take notes on them. I think it’s a good idea to share the ones that are useful, informative, or perhaps just fun. Most of them come from Hacker News and my RSS subscriptions. Since I collect and organize the links on a weekly basis in Emacs Org-mode(Org-mode – Wikipedia), I could directly export them to html through HTML Export (The Org Manual) and publish through Publishing (The Org Manual). The goal is to create an automated workflow that could transform my weekly link archives to web pages with no additional effort. I am new to the web and I am working on polishing my skills. This is my first try.
- The Google ‘vs’ Trick -Applied Data Science – Medium: a fun and helpful visualization of graphs enabled by Google ‘vs’ search
- unim.press: nostalgic newspaper view of Reddit, it’s good for eyes
- Carrd – Simple, free, fully responsive one-page sites for pretty much anything: making quick and simple one-page site
- Hacker’s guide to Neural Networks: an intuitive read for neural networks
- Time to upgrade your monitor @ tonsky.me: in-depth take on why we need a good monitor
- Using Elfeed to View Videos · The Art of Not Asking Why: if you only want to watch some subscribed youtube channels but don’t want to spend another hour in additive suggested videos on youtube.com.
- The End of OS X – Stratechery by Ben Thompson: bye X(ten), it’s time for 11.
- What’s New in macOS – macOS – Human Interface Guidelines – Apple Developer: Apple’s official guidelines on human interface in Mac OS Big Sur. Many hints for a touchscreen Mac.
- Why Figma Wins – kwokchain: a good read for growth of tech company.
- Mixer failed — here’s why – The Verge: insights on the live-streaming war
- Spotify is testing interactive podcast ads so you never have to remember a pr…: Spotify is definitely on scaling up podcast advertisements.
- The Talk Show ✪: WWDC 2020 With Craig Federighi and Greg Joswiak: behind the scenes podcast of WWDC 2020